dinsdag, maart 20, 2007

Back at school

Heey guys,

There I am again, yes it has been a while but I was a litle bit busy and actually I did not have so much news to tell. Everything is going well in our house, it actually is way to good here. that ends up in partying every night and to much alcohol.
In my second week here, after the university's introduction, some friends of Anni came by for a couple of days. that were some crazy days, which ended wih our house warming on friday night, where my roommate got a nice paper from the police at 2.30 in the night. And the next morning the elevators were not working anymore, but it turned out that happened more often.
The two friends of Anni's boyfriend that were staying here were Sergio and Gabriel. Sergio left last sunday and Gabriel stayed untill last thursday. When Gabriel left, Paula and I went with him to La Serena, we stayed there in the house of Sergio and they took us around the city. For the friday night we were invited to a party in their University. And that university organizes really good partys. We ended up in the house of 3 girls that we met when we left, the after party there was too much for me and I almost fell asleep, but that could be, in the meanwhile it was 6.30 in the morning and I hadn't had much sleep the evening before.
This saturday they took us to El valle de pisco elqui, We hired a small house there with a pool on the campsite and a barbeque in the garden. We also invited the 3 girls that we actually didn't know, but it turned out to be really funny.
Unfortunately we had to return on sunday to la serena, because Paula and I had to take the last bus back to Santiago. After a last pitcher of beer together we left at 12.15 and we arrived at 6 in Santiago, and I dont know whether you have heared about transsantiago over there, but they changed all the buslines so that more people can use public transport. They didn't calculate that this would cause so much more people using it. So when we arrived we confronted a full metro at 6.20 in the morning.... but I got home, almost dead, because I was so tired and the amount of alcohol consumed in the weekend.
Good, last week University started also. But "unfortunately" most of the classes didn't take place, This week is another story, just today, some minutes ago I decided which courses I am going to take for sure, and with that I also decided to better my life, more sports, better food and less alcohol.
That means, at least for the next 2 weeks because after that Paul and Frank might come over from Tandil and I cannot let those guys down offcourse. Really hope they are coming, will be a hard week for university, but a lot of fun besides that.

Well gotta go now, We are going out for dinner to a colombian restaurant with my Colombian roommates Roberto and Andres and some members of the finnish gang here in santiago. Well you will hear from me somewhere in the end of this week, than with information about the planning of my next trip, cause Im going to ushuaia :) will be a hell of a trip, but Im gonna make it. Oyeah and then I will also tell you that I uploaded more photos (hopefully)
